Common Ground
Environmental Education Center
Common Ground has been a valuable resource for Seedlings’ workshops and for many Seedlings alums. Their outdoor education center offers in-school visits as well as field trips convening at their campus.
Located in New Haven, Conn., Common Ground seeks to connect people of all ages to their urban environments and build communities while fostering a sense of leadership and and the value of contributing to a just and sustainable world. Common Ground has three main focuses: a high school, an urban farm, and an environmental education center. They offer learning opportunities for the whole community, as well as many options for educators. Through their Schoolyards Program, Common Ground educators help individual classrooms, schools and entire districts create–and effectively use–school gardens, schoolyard habitats, and outdoor classrooms. Common Ground also has a variety of age-appropriate field trip opportunities for students in pre-K through grade 8.

More Information
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