Yoga & Breathing

Yoga practitioners have been telling us for centuries that yoga in any of its forms and breathwork can help relieve stress, manage  anxiety and depression, and improve our energy.  It also improves focus and mind-body connection, as well as offers opportunities for relaxation, empowerment, and honoring your own feelings.  Who doesn’t need all of the above in their lives?! We thought that educators in particular are in need and so we put together a program of free videos.  You may even find yourself sharing some of these components with your students!

We are thrilled to have the collaboration efforts and expertise of Petra Haynes, owner of Center Yoga + Wellness (Guilford and Clinton), and RYT-500 yoga instructor with advanced training. Petra generously created the following yoga practice and breathwork videos just for teachers.  Please share this page with other educators you know.  And if you like these videos, please contact us at to let us know!  Petra recommends watching videos with headphones to eliminate distractions, and for best sound quality.

Introduction to Breathwork

Breathwork can be done anytime, anywhere—and completed in a matter of minutes.  There are a variety of different kinds of breathwork, which produce different desired effects, from calmness to gaining more energy.  So, you can grab a few minutes while your students are at lunch or at their specials, or as you switch gears from one subject to the next.  Petra explains how breathing helps us focus and gain perspective in this short video to the left.  See the videos below for specific types of breathing practices.

Guided Breathing

60 Minute Gentle Yoga Practice

Spend 60 soothing minutes of “you time” regaining focus and flexibility and re-energizing and reconnecting with your mind and body. Petra guides you though this beginner-friendly yoga practice and reminds you to make this time your own.  You deserve this teachers!

Short on time?  See below for shorter practices!

25-Minute Gentle Yoga Practices

Yoga Nidra (Guided Meditation)

Yoga Nidra is a form of deep mediation that has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety. Join Petra as she walks you through this half-hour mediation  and bring some peace and calm to your hectic days.

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